About Me

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chicago, illinois, United States
Education was in Chicago, Emmett Grammar school and The Austin High School. Higher education was the corner of Madison and Central, "The Corner" on Chicago's west side. On one corner of "The Corner" was a drug store with a soda fountain where you could get drinks, etc. Outside among other things we pitched pennies and just hung out. On the other side of the street was Emmett Grammar School and the playground {PG}. It had a huge ball field where we spent alot of time. And down the street was the Bowling Alley [BA]., with about 32 alleys and pool and billiard tables. Alot of time was spent up there also. The Corner was a busy place where there were always "Characters" around from young guys to older men. Bookies, Gambling, and just hanging out. This was what we did from around 6th grade on. No drugs, no violence, just fun and sports and hanging out.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

corner [3]

August 13, 2009
To get a feeling what the Corner was like, read my profile.

I know it looks as if I am living in the past,but I am not. Those were years that will not be back. I took a ride by the corner the other day and it was sad, completely different. The only thing that was almost the same was Emmett. However the PG was paved over and now it was used for parking. The Corner in our years had character, a lot of little stores, diners, shoe stores, bakeries, small old store fronts. And not to be forgotten the news paper stand on the corner run by Jack during the day, and Leo at night. The BA was on the 2nd floor of an office bldg. how often do you see that.
From 7th grade on we did things that was petty gambling. Pitching pennies, and as we got older maybe nickels or dimes. Shooting pool at the BA loser paid for time, playing Gin Rummy, etc. At the PG we could figure out a game no matter how many guys were there. 4 guys , 2 on a side for line ball, or fast pitching. Football, 1 hand touch, there were too many arguments for 2 hand touch.Did he actually get both hands on the runner. During the winter was the best. The PG was a hard pack. Not dirt or grass but a crushed gravel crushed into a hard pack. The PG had lights and when it snowed we played tackle football. Traction was not good in the snow, 1 guy would grab ahold of the runner, 2more would get there and bring him down, then a bunch would pile on .
One thing that was kind of what usually went on: When we were in 7th or 8th grade or there abouts, in the summer, we were hanging around the BA aroun noon time. Some older guys were in the locker room with dice. They positioned Ace at the entrance to warn them if the owner was coming. My boy was not a very good lookout and did not see the owner until he was at him. Ace got a kick in the butt from the owner and the older guys were just thrown out. The youth of today have missed out on these experiences. From 7th grade until we got married .

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